Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Got An Excuse?


Been a long time, hope you are making impact and touching a life? Good to know! I guess you would be asking me " How did you know?". Never mind, whether you admit it or not you are making an impact. But what i would love to have clarifications on is whether it is positive, life-changing or not, hoping you provide the answer...

Enough of those preambles, i want to share something on the above subject with you;"Got an Excuse" We have seen people who blame environment, government, parents, poverty etc on why they are not successful, hope you agree with me?

According to Francois De La Rochefoucauld, a noted French author of maxims and memoirs, “Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will; we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible”

It is funny how people blame their circumstances for their failure in life, but the fact remains that you have no excuse not to become a success in life.

Did you know that Richard Branson, the famous English industrialist, best known for his Virgin brand of over 360 companies. Whose first successful business venture was at age 16, when he published a magazine called Student, is without a college degree? Yes, he doesn’t have a college degree. I am very sure you are also aware that the founder of Microsoft, Bill gate, is a Harvard drop-out.

He Attended University of Texas, Austin; but did not finish. I am talking about Michael Dell, the founder of famous Dell computer, one of my favourite quotes from him is “When I started our company, it was very much an idea outside of the conventional wisdom, and if there were people telling me that it wasn't going to work, I wasn't really listening to them”.

Evidence of the fact that the past need not dictate the future can be found in the life stories of many great achievers. Think of the wealthy businessmen, leading sportsmen, great scientists, movie icons, super models and entrepreneurs in all walks of life. Did they all achieve success, fame and wealth because they came from a privileged background? Did they all have caring parents, a superior education and limitless financial backing? If you study their life stories you will find the answer is no. Many of these successful people started life in an ordinary or even underprivileged style but they were able to achieve success because they freed themselves from the constraints imposed by the past.

Suffice it to say here that God has provided all you need to be a successful person but you keep giving excuses on how uneducated you are, not having enough time and all that, you have no excuse not to be all that God wants you to become. It is up to you.

All the best

Paragraphs 3-6 Excerpt from the book: "The Man With a Different Spirit"- In View.
Author: Favour Erebosi.