Monday, October 5, 2009

Success Habits

Good to be here again after a long while, hope you are great? Just felt like sharing a few thoughts with you today and more later. Endeavor to follow through cos it promises to be inspiring.

Today, we will be looking at success habits.

Success is simply the achievement of set goals while habit is what you do continuously over a long period of time and therefore becomes a part of you. We are all creatures of habit.

It might interest you to know that habit determines our character and our character determines our destiny. We can therefore conclude that good and Godly habits bring about success.

Some of these habits include:

Meditation: This is simply getting involved in deep thinking, its one of the ways to contact the supernatural. It helps you roll over ideas, which gives room for more inspiration.

Prayer:Prayer is not a monologue as most people think. It is supposed to be a dialogue with your creator. Don’t be too busy not to pray, spend time with your father daily. It should be one of your daily responsibilities.

Responsibilities: How often do you blame people and circumstances for your failure? Guess what? Well, would love to let you know at this point that you must take 100% responsibility for your life if you want to be successful in life. Responsibility is the key to true freedom. Wise people don’t let things happen to them, they happen to things.

Self Improvement: What are the new skills you are learning? What books are you reading to improve your thinking and reasoning? Teach yourself something new, work on yourself intellectually and otherwise, teach yourself etiquette. Learn more, read more, ask more, do more and be more.

Positive Self –Talk: “I am blessed beyond a curse” “I can never be poor again” ‘I am more than this’ Speak these words in season and out of season. Avoid negative and foul languages. Replace negative words with positive ones. You can use your confession to redirect your life. It is therefore important to mind the words you speak about yourself and those seemingly difficult situations you are facing. You have the choice to tell the challenge-“I am coming out of this”

Persistence: Develop the attitude of not giving up until you get your desired result. Do you remember Thomas Edison’s story on the invention of the incandescent light bulb? He persevered amidst challenges but scaled through after 10,000 attempts and today he is being credit for his outstanding invention. Every business has its challenges, just stay put, you will get there.

Planning: This is a strong key to success. When you plan, you break down your job. You can’t define wisdom outside of thinking. The more you plan the more you rise. You need to sit down and set a medium or long term goal for your life then plan on how to achieve each step by step. Planning is simply thinking ahead. Most people roam through life but successful people make plans and make most of the opportunities around them. You can employ a To-do-list for each day. When you plan your days, you will have an organized week, months, and year and so on.

Be action orientated: After you are done with your planning, take action. Newton’s law of motion states that ‘all object remains at a state of rest until a force is applied’ When are you going to take action on those Biz proposal you have written, those ideas you have written down, when are you going to do something about them? Do something about them today! Erase procrastination from your dictionary.

Association: Successful people are very deliberate about the kind people they associate with, because they’ve discovered the impact it has on their destiny. The people you associate with will influence you. Don’t be sentimental about people; be sensitive about your destiny. Learn to relate with people that are higher than you in life, because they will challenge your thinking pattern.

Time Management: Time is more than money; it is life, value time over money and activities. Invest your time productively. Be sensitive to your seasons and times in life, it determines your level of success.

Integrity: To be perfectly honest with God and yourself as a person. This must be your lifestyle. Learn to do things right.