Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Letting go of the past


One of the things that can stop you if you allow it to is not letting go of the past. Clinging to the past has stopped many from becoming what God has deigned them to be. He said “I know the thought that I think towards you, thought of good and not evil, to give you and expected future” what can be more motivating than this?
Letting go of the past can be difficult. The past is our history, it's what forms our opinions and our perceptions but history is exactly what it is. The past is over, done and dusted.

You can't go back and change anything so put the past behind you and move on. By all means take the lessons learned, the strength uncovered, the knowledge and experience but don't hold on to grudges, anger, guilt etc. What good will it do you? How will it help you to move forward and live your life?
If you're having difficulty in letting go of the past, ask yourself why? What is holding on to the past giving you? Are you using it as an emotional crutch, an excuse not to do something new?

Take the plunge. Changing your life takes courage but take it one step at a time. We're very good at imagining all the things that could go wrong, all the pitfalls, the dangers but when we go ahead and do it usually we find there was nothing to worry about after all. We let our fears get in the way when actually we don't have any evidence that anything bad will happen if we take a step forward.
So start living your life to the full, enjoy every minute. As far as we know, you only get one chance at life so why waste it brooding on what has happened when you could be living it and making new memories.

As much as you can, put the past where it belongs-past and move on, greater things lie ahead.