Thursday, December 24, 2009

How would you describe 2009?

Hi friends!

Good to be back after a long unavoidable break. When you work for someone, you don't have the life of your own, you are at his beck and call, you want to do everything you are assigned to do just to prove your ability and capability on the job. (We pray for independence ASAP)

I had an official mandate to travel to one the states in the northern part of Nigeria in November. It was an experience, and i intend to share some with you when we return from the holiday. Why not today? you might be wondering, anyway, i needed to file in my report and put together my financial reconciliation, being an all expense paid trip. So it took some time to cross my T's and dot my I's, be it as it may, come January, we will share so many things together.

Back to the crux of the matter, i asked a question: What has the passing year been like? What was the whole experience of being alive since the inception of the year like? were you able to accomplish all your dreams and aspirations? were you able to abide by those new year resolution you made when the supposedly old year was still fresh? are there things you really wish you could have done or achieved but they never came through? the list is endless, but never mind.

It is a normal thing to sit and think through what you have and have not done or achieved as the year comes to a close. Are you getting discouraged that you did not achieve as much as you planned? Don't worry, it could just be for some reasons like not applying the complete principles of success or imbibing success habits, mind you, nobody knows it all. Check through my previous topic on Success habits, it might just be of help! It could be for some other reasons.

If there is something you need to remember as you make entry into the glorious 2010, it is that we are all responsible for our lives and whatever happened or happens to us.

But more importantly, if His presence does not go with us, there is really no point at all. Make God the focal point this year and He will make you His focal point and you know what it means, when you become God's focal point.

In conclusion, don't wallow in despair, the coming year is filled with so many wonderful promises from God, all you need to do is be wise and cash in on them and you will be singing a new song as we draw another curtain on 2010.

Touch a life this season, bring about the change and make the needed difference!

I want to wish everyone one of you a wonderful Christmas and a Miracle filled 2010.

Take Charge!

Favour Erebosi.