Monday, January 17, 2011

Corruption is not our Problem

Happy New Year, good and great people of this great nation, hope goals have been set and plans to achieve them properly put in place. Not to worry, everything will be ok, if you play your part well, God will definitely surprise you pleasantly.

The crux of the matter today is that corruption is not our problem… “Favour, what are you talking about’? Someone must be saying, never mind just read through. We are quick to blame the underdevelopment of the nation on bad leadership and corruption. I am not refuting the fact that these things are part of the problem, but lamenting on them without necessary action is actually the major problem we have in this nation. Nigeria suffers more from our continued inaction than from the problems.

We suffer more of inaction in this nation than anything else. If you say leadership is the problem, what are we doing to solve the problem or is it just about talking and writing about them on the pages of newspaper? I don’t think so. If you say corruption has eaten deep into the fabrics of this nation, what have we done to curb it? Why do we spend so much time on talking than acting? We are of no doubt known to make noise about bad situations than proffering solutions to them.

The election is around the corner, if you want to stop bad leadership and corruption, it’s time you stood up and allow your vote count. We encourage bad leadership when we fold our hands at election times when we are supposed to determine who takes the mantle of leadership. Prayer is key to success no doubt, but even the good book said “ Faith without work is dead” For our religious brothers who have been praying and are still praying for the forth coming election, I would advise that while we pray, we should also be part of a defining moment that confronts us. We are not saying that you should stop praying; we are only pleading that you should come out and cast your vote.

Pessimists would not show up at the polls, no doubt, those who think that the status quo remains, who think strongly that the election would be rigged may not bother showing up. But let me remind us that such mindset would not take us anywhere. When we keep thinking that things will never get better we prolong the realization of our dreams as a nation. When we think Nigeria should sort herself out of her woes, we are not been patriotic. When we think ethnicity should determine who leads, we need to reconsider unity.

Until we see the growth and development of this nation as a collective responsibility, it might not be easy for us to attain the height we have always wanted.

Corruption is just a noun, and it functions where you allow it to, besides. It’s found in almost all the nations of the world in different degrees. But we can decide to erase it from our system, if only you will do the right thing at the right time not minding who is doing the wrong thing. If we say the system is totally corrupt, do something to salvage the system, your vote is your voice and your power that no one can take away from you. Use it wisely this time around, and help fight the so called corruption and bad leadership.

Apart from voting the right people into position of leadership, let’s remind ourselves that we are saddled with the responsibility of making their job easier by being good citizens that will discharge their civic responsibilities with a sense of patriotism. Don’t sit and wait for things to happen, make them happen.

Remember Andrew lack’s word, “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.

Change begins with you!