Saturday, February 5, 2011

Make up Your Mind

We are already five days into the second month of the year, and I won’t be surprised that some people are yet to kick start what they have planned to do this year. I want to believe that you are familiar with the popular quote that “All objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied” Did I get the quote well? Anyways, I am sure you understand where I am driving at. It is very important to note that nothing happens without a push. I love the woman with the issue of blood in the scriptures, I am not being pastoral here because I am not one, but I want use a popular illustration. She did one thing and that was “She made up her mind” that she was going to touch Jesus on the set day she got her healing.

Remember she had the crowd to contend with, I guess most people who also wanted to get Jesus’s attention would have cajoled and made fun of her to move away for “better and healthy people” to see the master. Their discouraging acts did not deter her, because her mind was made up. She was ready to surmount all obstacles just to touch the master.

You might as well call the write up ‘The power of determination’ the simple message here is that nothing is going happen until you make it happen, let me also say here that it is not enough to make up your mind, action must accompany your determination.

May be you have so many projects lined up for the year, but you haven’t started working on any for fear of completion and obstacles, kindly borrow from the woman with issue of blood, she didn’t care about the obstacles, she wanted something, she went for it, surmounting all obstacles and got what she wanted. It’s possible you are yet to make up your mind to begin. My advice, if you have them all well outlined, please run with it, because that vision is for an appointed time. But you must RUN with it. Meaning you can’t fold your hands and wait for things to happen, please make them happen. You’ve got all it takes.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Leave the workability with God, just make up your mind today and ACT.

Achieve the extra- ordinary… It’s in you!

Take Charge!