Friday, October 29, 2010

Re-branding a Nation

Hi friends! Trust your week has been great! I took some time out to deal with some urgent matters, but i ve returned and you will be hearing from me often as it used be.

Somehow i felt like voicing my opinion on the Re-branding process going on in the nation, though not so much has been heard about it lately. Please read thru:

Re-branding is the act of repackaging a product, it’s usually an improvement on what already exist; there could be name or content change, it could just be external change only, re- branding takes place after you have scanned the market and found a need to. I know this question is rhetorical; do we need re branding in Nigeria? Is it outward or inward re branding? When I say outward, I mean, beautification of streets, improved transportation and social amenities? Without mincing word, outward re branding is good, it will create a good environment for investors, but the simple truth is we need more than just outward re branding.

“Rebranding” a nation begins first in the minds, paradigms and value systems of the people before the external approach. What we need urgently in this nation is inward re branding, this can start with you. My point is simple, if we must witness developmental change, we would need to work on ourselves and this can begin by purging ourselves of those vices we practice everyday, in leadership position, as traders, artisans, graduates, undergraduates, lecturers, editors, etc. in whatever position or state you are right now. You need to realize that a huge responsibility is upon you as to how this nation develops.

We need character re branding, we need to look inward and check those things we do that we always say, “don’t really matter”, “everyone is doing it” but in one way or the other affect your neighbour and invariably the nation; we need to purge ourselves of all corrupt practices no matter how little we think they are. Giving and receiving bribe, alteration of figures for personal aggrandizement, sexual abuse and harassments, the list goes on. We also need to drop some social vices like, , religious intolerance, youth restiveness, kidnapping and militancy, public officials looting the Treasury, people driving against traffic, littering the environment with dirt, throwing dirt out of the car. These are little foxes that spoil the vine.

When we have purged ourselves of these things and so many more not mentioned here, then the re branding we are talking about will be a success. Re branding starts by imbibing and acting on those values that that we are known by. Values like: honesty, communal love, unity, resilience, justice, hard work and truth. These values have been with us, but we act like they don’t exist.

Let me also point out here that re branding is not a spontaneous thing, its gradual, but must be consistent. If each week you pick up one of the values and decide to uphold and act on it, and your friend or neighbour picks one as well and act on it, with consistency, we will achieve our dream of a nation with “Good people, Great nation”. It is not so difficult if you see yourself as an integral part of the process of the re branding. But it’s going to be difficult if we stand aloof and expect the people who initiated the scheme to do it all alone.

You have a part to play in the re branding process, we all have parts to play. Let us put our heads and hands together in presenting this country as “GOOD PEOPLE, GREAT NATION” to the world!

Change begins with you!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Custodian or Citizen

Hello, its been a while, trust you are doing great and getting ready for your voice to be heard through your vote, remember no apathy for a change agent. Anyways let's get down to the business of the day: Custodian or Citizen. Which one are you?

I checked my Encarta Dictionary to find out more on what Custodian really means and here are definitions by Encarta: Person responsible for something valuable: somebody responsible for holding or looking after valuable property on behalf of a company or another person (2) Upholder of something valuable: a protector and upholder of something seen as valuable and endangered such as traditions or moral values. I will stick with the second definition. I see a custodian as an upholder and protector of moral values.

I just put the definition down to enable us have an understanding of who a custodian is. So who is a citizen? My Encarta also puts it this way: Legal resident of country: somebody who has the right to live in a country because he or she was born there or has been legally accepted as a permanent resident. From the two definitions, we can comfortably define which one we are. So I am asking you, are you a custodian or citizen?

It’s not difficult to identify where you belong, I can tell you that, you know why? Because you know yourself, you know what you do everyday. You know if you are a citizen and a custodian of this nation when you ensure that moral values you have learnt over the years are upheld by you and yours, when you try everything within your powers to protect your integrity knowing that it will invariably rob off on the nation at large, when you speak the truth at all times not minding the consequences, when you preach and encourage unity in all fronts, when you are eager to show love to your neighbour, when you are ready to give your all towards a good course, when your heart bleeds on the news of kidnapping, looting of public treasury and robbery.

You are a citizen and a custodian when your passion is on national transformation, when you will do everything to improve the lives of people around you, when your heart bleeds because your nation is topping the list of corrupt nations in the world, and the passion to have that impression corrected eats you up. You are a custodian when you are selfless in your service to your nation; you don’t see leadership position as a means of enriching your life but an opportunity to be a servant leader, one who can stand for integrity no matter what.

You are a custodian and a citizen when you always pray for the peace of your country, when you carry out your civic responsibility without apathy. Election is around the corner, a custodian and a citizen will not stand aloof and watch corrupt leaders take over the mantle of leadership when he understands the important role his vote will play.

But you are just a citizen when you are legal resident of this country, pay your tax, utility bills, have a good job, you are not bothered about political or economic condition of the country, what is important to you is your life, family and work. Every other thing as to what happens to the country where you are resident does not bother you. So many of us fall under this category, some belong here because they have given up on this nation and the leaders, they have concluded that nothing good is going to happen, so what’s the point in disturbing their lives over values and concerns for the nation.

I have an advice for you, come join us, as a custodians, we don’t give up hope, we don’t give up the fight for our right. We have learnt lessons from people and nations who never gave up and won the battle in the long run, we will keep protecting our nation, upholding our moral values until victory is achieved. President Barrack Obama captured my thought well during his inauguration, hear him “"Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends -- hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism -- these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility -- a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world; duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task".

Nigeria suffers more from our continued inaction than from the problems, fellow Custodians, don’t give up, quitters never win and winners don’t quit, I know what you think, the situation seems gloomier than ever, but remember that the darkest night is close to the day. Nigeria will get there as a nation, but not without you!

Change begins with you!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hi Friends,

Trust you are great, just want say thank you for always taking time out to read my posts. It's quite encouraging to get commendation from everyone.

I just had the article below posted on my facebook, so i felt i should do same here. The article was published in Financial Standard Newspaper on 12th and 19th of July 2010. It's my comment on the current current Zoning saga.

Please read thru:

First it was all about our then ailing president, everyone wanted to know where he was, what happened to him and there was so much distraction at the hem of affairs. While all these were happening, our northern brothers kept buttressing the fact that whatever happens, the leadership of this nation would rest on their shoulders for another 4 years based on a political party’s consensus. And for a while now, Zoning has been the crux of the matter. It baffles me on how people are so concerned about their selfish interest than the well being of the entire nation. I don’t think we should allow this zoning thing distract us from what is important, which is setting agenda for national development and working towards attaining greatness for this nation.

It is not constitutional; therefore debating it is not so important. Be it as it may, it would be great to remind the perpetrators that the interest of the entire nation supersedes that of a political party or region.

If you ask me, participation in governance by every part of the country should not be the criteria for electing a leader. Nigerians should be free to elect a leader with tested and proven record of good leadership abilities or potentials. Agreed, that the zoning was borne out of sentiments to stop complaints on marginalization, but like the first PDP national Chairman, Chief Solomon Lar said “But zoning is not permanent. It is temporary” even as PDP plans to do something with the zoning theory; I would love to remind them that true and effective leadership is not based on zoning.

Status quo is the mess we are in, according to Ronald Reagan, a former American president. The earlier we discover that we owe posterities a lasting legacy and foundation on which they can confidently build on, the better for us.

The interest of the people should be considered ahead of tribe and sentiments in leadership. As election draws near, it would be a great delight for every one to participate. The constitution allows every legible Nigerian to participate in the election of anyone they find suitable to lead them. Why should some political party restrict us to a particular region? Leaders that should keep themselves busy with setting agenda for national development are busy clamouring for regional leadership while some are busy fighting in the house over allowances and personal benefits.

A group of prominent Northern politicians in the ruling people’s Democratic party recently met in Abuja to map out strategies aimed at stopping Jonathan from contesting the presidential poll next year, insisting that their region should produce the president in the next dispensation. Sincerely the interest of the nation should be of major importance and not region. Let us remind these leaders that the foundation they build today is what posterity will build on.

Does it really matter if one region leads for several years if the leadership is born out of the interest of the people and not for regional or political interest? I personally don’t have a problem with the presidency coming from the north or any other region for 20 consecutive years if development is even and equally distributed across the nation. I don’t agree with the arrangement of insisting that presidency must come from a particular region because a political party said so.

The political party can go on to nominate, but the people who are aware of the political situation of this country and the dire need for national transformation in every facet of this great country should not be bought over by some sect who think posterity will forgive them for their selfish arrangement to trade the nation’s interest for their selfish and political ambition.

I believe we are going to have a credible election in 2011, but the people must come out to vote for the candidate they know will bring about the change we need. it has absolutely nothing to do with colour, race, region. If politics was based on this premise, I don’t think President Obama of the United States of America would have had a chance.

Americans stood up for change, because they were tired of status quo. The good people of this nation are tired of status quo- the way things are. We need change and that, we will get, but there is a price to it. We must all stand up for it.

We can’t jeopardize the future of this nation because of some selfish people who only think about party and not the interest of the nation at large. Let me say this to my fellow custodian of this great nation. Political parties will definitely lure you to dance to their tune with so much money. But while you take that money, remember you are trading the future of this nation and posterity for selfish gains.

Nigerians should be allowed to make their choice of a president in a free and fair election.

Let us take a stand against selfishness. Stand up for equity and justice. Think more of the people, less about ourselves make the right decisions, and take the right and necessary steps towards achieving greatness for this nation. It’s a price we must all pay to attain greatness. NIGERIA, GOOD PEOPLE, GREAT NATION!

Take Charge!


Published in Financial Standard Newspaper-12th and 19th of July 2010.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I am very optimistic that the “New Nigeria Project-Dream” as we call it, is a reality. Don’t crucify me yet if you feel that the problematic leadership situation in the country would never allow the realization of such dream. The fact remains that a dream goes through processes which, in most cases, are quite unpleasant especially where the dreamer is not strong-willed enough to get to the end of the processes. But be that as it may, I am confident that what is happening in this nation is a phase in the processes, and we are getting over it soon.

My confidence stems from the fact that Nigeria still has some credible leaders who are willing to serve the nation selflessly. Such leaders have demonstrated over time that their character and fortitude are unadulterated and indisputable. The Minister of Communication and Information, Professor Dora Akunyili is a handy example. Starting with her tenure as the Director General of National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) she has exhibited an unflinching spirit of patriotism and doggedness.

At NAFDAC, she escaped several assassination attempts but this has not deterred her from providing selfless and first-grade service to her nation. And her stance during the recent saga of the ailing president as it concerns the interest of the nation further buttresses her selfless approach to leadership. No doubt, her courageous intervention roused other members of the Federal Executive Council from their slumber. Today, the country is on the move again under the leadership of Acting President Goodluck Jonathan.

I must say here that leadership is about being able to tow a different path from others when it matters most. Indeed, it is not easy to take a stand that will bring about a positive change when you are surrounded by people who share a different view. Leadership is not just about being in power or enjoying the benefits attached to the position, it is a responsibility that comes with accountability.

This is why I insist that the dream is a reality because we only need few people like Akunyili to get to the critical number of people that can take this great country to where it deserves to be. If you can take a stand today against corruption and other social vices, whether in public service or private business then the change that we crave for is here. We don’t need too many people.

The panacea we need for change is simply that of promotion of the consciousness of the common good over the consciousness of self or personal gains. If I may ask, how many leaders in this generation are ready to give up their prejudices, personal comfort and self-indulgence just to serve their fathers’ land? Are there men who will risk their lives just for the good of the people of their nation without thinking about personal gain or glory? George Washington, the first American president provides a very good example of a leader who laid the foundation of greatness for his country through selfless service.

The 1st United States Congress voted to pay Washington a salary of $25,000 a year - a large sum in 1789. Washington, already wealthy, declined the salary, to demonstrate that he valued his image as a selfless public servant. At the urging of Congress, however, he ultimately accepted the payment to avoid setting a precedent whereby the presidency would be perceived as limited only to independently wealthy individuals who could serve without any salary. Washington attended carefully to the pomp and ceremony of office. He made sure that the titles and trappings were suitably republican and never emulated European royal courts. To that end, he preferred the title of "Mr. President" to other more majestic names that were suggested.

Washington proved an able administrator. An excellent judge of talent and character, he held regular cabinet meetings to debate issues before making a final decision. In handling routine tasks, he was "systematic, orderly, energetic, and solicitous of the opinion of others but decisive, intent upon general goals and the consistency of particular actions with them.

Washington reluctantly served a second term as president. He refused to run for a third, establishing the customary policy of a maximum of two terms for a president which later became law in the 22nd amendment to the American constitution. George Washington saw leadership as a responsibility to selflessly serve the public and not a permanent position to siphon public wealth.

Why is he officially honoured in his country as the “Father of the nation” and why is his October 2 birthday commemorated in his country as a national holiday and worldwide as the International day of non-violence? It is because he inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. I am talking about Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi of India. In a bid to ease poverty, expand women's rights, build religious and ethnic amity, and increase economic self-reliance and above all, achieve the independence of India from foreign domination; Gandhi spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India. He was a learned fellow who felt that the best thing he could do for his people and posterity was to stand for the truth and the freedom of his people. And denying himself of so much comfort just to achieve these was the best option.

He has inspired several leaders and social reformers by his selfless service in India, leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Barack Obama etc drew inspiration from Gandhi. We are all aware of the impact the above leaders made/make in their respective countries just to bring about change that has inspired the world.

Imagine this post (online) on our ailing president which I came across some days ago. The exasperated commentator who is obviously a Nigerian wrote - “How does a country change when everybody is a thief and a liar? And I mean from top to bottom. Not one single person living in Nigeria keeps their word. There is no hope.” My take on this is that the comment lacks merit. I totally disagree with those statements, first because there is hope for this nation and because we still have God-fearing people who keep to their word, value integrity and see themselves as custodians of Nigeria. A custodian is considered as someone in whose care something important is entrusted for a specific time.

There is hope because no matter how appalling the state of affairs in the energy and power sector or other sectors of the economy may seem at the moment, it is all a phase in the processes to greatness. Let me also state here that the responsibility of bringing about the desired change does not solely rest on those occupying one leadership position or the other. And if each of us can resolve to uphold integrity as an integral part of principles that guide our daily lives, we are sure close to the change we desire.

As much as we look up to those in positions of authority to make a positive leadership impact, we also have the responsibility of championing positive change wherever we find ourselves. It was Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America who, in his inaugural speech said that “Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends -- hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism -- these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility -- a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world; duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task".

And I put it this way - the panacea we need for change in this nation is within each of us. All we need is the recognition on the part of every Nigerian that we have duties not just to ourselves alone, but to our nation and the world - duties that we seize gladly when we see ourselves beyond mere citizens but custodians who are ready to do everything within our powers to ensure that this nation reaches the height it is destined to reach.

We can achieve so much when we put Nigeria’s interest first at all times, keep to our word – integrity. Do the right thing irrespective of who is doing the wrong thing and be a solution to a problem and not a problem to solutions. You too can make a difference no matter how little it may seem; it would go a long way. You can lead the change.

Lead D Change!

Favour Erebosi

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hi Friends

Happy new month, hope the long weekend was a great one...

We live in a world full of people with unimaginable life ambition, drive and craze for success and wealth. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a life ambition to be successful in any endeavour you may find yourself. There is also nothing wrong in working smart or hard as some put it, to put food on the table, shelter and take care of your family. There are basic necessities of life that every human being craves for.

But while we are engrossed with the drive to make it happen in life, I would not want us to loose sight of what is really important. And I want to call it Legacy. My Encarta dictionary defines Legacy as something that is handed down or remains from a previous generation or time.

The mistake we make most times is to think that we must attain a particular position in life before we can leave a legacy, absolutely wrong. Funny enough, some of our past heroes and living legends whose legacies are hyped all over the world are and were people who set out to add value to the lives of others, whose priorities were to positively touch the lives of people thereby making a difference in their generation. It had and has absolutely nothing to do with position, origin or status.

You need to make a conscious effort and decision to impact the lives around you, focus on bringing value to the world around you. To your work. To your loved ones. To all of the communities in which you are involved. Nelson Mandela never one day desired to have his face on the tabloid or CNN. That was not his dream, his dream and passion was to see the freedom of his people and he gave all there was, his personal freedom and comfort were traded for the freedom of his people. He was after adding value to other lives. I assume we know the rest of the story… but today, Mandela is a living legend, he does not have to pay some media house to come and cover his shows so they could splash his face on TV and Newspapers. He has a quality life brand that was built on a selfless foundation.

Mother Teresa is celebrated all over the world today because; she had a place in her heart for the poor, her life brand stands tall and strong till date. Rosa parks, the African- American woman from Alabama, USA. Who stood against racial discrimination is celebrated today because she had a strong sense of purpose. Little did she know that today, Presidents, Congress men would stand in her honour and celebrate her as a symbol of courage against injustice.

I could go on and on, Martin Luther King Jr. is well known by everyone, he is remembered as well as a true symbol of courage against social injustice. History has it that one of the people who motivated him was Mahatma Gandhi of India. This man also facilitated Indian freedom from foreign domination. He swore to speak the truth and advocated that others do the same. The history of India will never be complete without the mention of Gandhi.

Do you want to know what worked for these people? There was no “Me first” attitude in them. Everything they did, their dream and vision was built on a selfless foundation. For these people, fulfillment and success could only come from adding value to people’s lives.

One thing is very important, if we must make a difference in our generation, we must have passion, crave and hunger to better the lives of others. In this we will find fulfillment and subtly build a life brand that will endure with a legacy.

Always remember that “You won’t be remembered for what you took out of this world; you will be remembered for what you left behind”.

Take Charge!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Significance of Easter

Happy Easter to you all, hope you had a great celebration and holiday?
I bet most of us got Easter goodwill messages from friends and loved ones. We also sent few to reciprocate. All fantastic gestures, in the spirit of the season I suppose. But let me ask, what are the true significances of the season? Is it just about having few days off work, visit the Cinemas, friends, movies, sleep, eat and drink for those who drink? What exactly do you make of the season…?

If I were you I will not only see this season as a time to make merry but leverage on the following:
• A time to reflect on my relationship with the one who died for my sins on the Cross of Calvary,
• A time to reclaim all that the devil has stolen from me
• A time to re-dedicate my life to Him who first loved me.
• A time to maximize the power that resurrected Christ from dead by calling to life every dead aspect of my life, remember, grave could not hold him back, so nothing should hold you back from shining forth His light and His Glory.
• A time to proclaim the word of God to those who are in dire need of it- one of the major reasons He came in the first place.
• A time to look the devil in the face and tell him you are reclaiming all that he has stolen from you, because Christ was manifested that He may destroy the works of the enemy in your life.
• A time to bask in the euphoria of assured abundance of life- for the thief cometh not but to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus Christ came that you and I may have life in abundance.

• It should be a time to understand your place and authority in Christ Jesus. He was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquities, the chastisement of your peace was upon Him and by His stripes you’ve been healed. Healed of any form of illnesses; be it Financial, Marital, Spiritual, Career, name it. Your healing is assured. But it does not end here.

There is a place for reflection. I personally don’t get involved in any event without having a relatively good understanding of what it is I am celebrating. On this note, I would like for us to take time and reflect on what Easter signifies. If you come to a better knowledge of the significance of Easter and key into what it offers, your life will definitely be better for it.

It is my prayer for you that the REASON for the SEASON will SEASON your life with lots of celebration this SEASON and BEYOND.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happiness Is a Choice!

Hi friends!

I wonder where i was all through the month of February that i couldn't blog... I don't seem to have a cogent reason, but it's all good to be around today. Guess i am Happy! I should be, do i have a choice? Yes i do, but i have chosen to look at the positive side of every seemingly negative happening around.

We are often surrounded by events, circumstances, environment, even people who are always poised to make us unhappy. But happiness they say is a choice. Its either you choose to make the most of that situation and be happy or allow it take a negative toll on you.

From the country's political quagmire, economic, environmental, family and work stress, we sure have one thousand and one reasons to be unhappy. We are atimes prone to this mood when our plans and goals do not materialize when we expected. But the truth is, if you are not complacent about your future and things are still not working out as planned, it could just be that you are going through the "Law of Process" as John Maxwell rightly puts it.

One more thing, in case you are disturbed by the political and sectarian crisis this great nation is experiencing, believe me, it's just a phase, we will get over it soon. But you have a part to play: Love more, Pray more and sacrifice more, strive to always do the right thing... "It's a process" We will scale through it.

Everything will be fine! Just be happy and as much as you can, enjoy the process, cause it's a phase that might not repeat itself again. Make the most of that situation and process. Experience they say, is not what happens to us, but what we make of what happens to us. (Positive Learning)

Don't worry, be happy!

Take Charge!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010



Its good to be alive, not just being alive but coming to share few thoughts with each other this new year. I strongly believe that this year is going to be our best year ever. if you believe that say AMEN (Lol) So shall it be! Welcome to the year our King! I just want to share a few thoughts with you today on building castle in the air.

While growing up (Still growing though) we used to dream big, some of us wanted to be Doctors, Presidents, own big houses, drive lovely cars, get married to a beautiful wife and a handsome and caring husband, have lovely children and all of that. We fantasized as they call it. What happened to those dreams of yours? We all thought those dreams were possible then, because we obviously would have seen people live in big houses, drive lovely cars, become President, renowned Engineers, Doctors and so on.

I ask, what happened to your dreams, did you ever fantasize? Dreamt of doing or becoming something many years ago or even recently? Were you told by your parents and friends that you were building castle in the air? What has been your response to those cynics who told you that your dreams were impossible, who discouraged you from dreaming big, who told you don’t have all it takes to be that which you have always dreamt of becoming?

It is quite interesting to know that cynics are everywhere; they are there to see that those dreams of yours do not see the light of the day. But more interesting is the fact that, life is basically what you make of it and the choices we make. If you choose to believe them, you obviously will become what you believe. You can as well share Henry David Thoreau’s thought with them. An American author, poet, and development critic, he said, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”

If you have dreamt of achieving something very big this year of our King, all you need to do is put foundation under them. What are these foundations: Prayer, self development, good association-This can make or mar your dream depending on how you manage it. Another one is excellence-stand out in the little you are into now, be eager to learn. Babatunde Oladele, a good friend and a mentor of mine said in one of his notes on facebook titled: Keys to personal growth that our watchword should always be MORE. We should always strive to be MORE, know MORE, do MORE, give MORE, ask MORE and pray MORE… It’s all about wanting to BE MORE in this year of our king.

Who says you can’t achieve everything, I am a living testimony to the fact that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.