Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happiness Is a Choice!

Hi friends!

I wonder where i was all through the month of February that i couldn't blog... I don't seem to have a cogent reason, but it's all good to be around today. Guess i am Happy! I should be, do i have a choice? Yes i do, but i have chosen to look at the positive side of every seemingly negative happening around.

We are often surrounded by events, circumstances, environment, even people who are always poised to make us unhappy. But happiness they say is a choice. Its either you choose to make the most of that situation and be happy or allow it take a negative toll on you.

From the country's political quagmire, economic, environmental, family and work stress, we sure have one thousand and one reasons to be unhappy. We are atimes prone to this mood when our plans and goals do not materialize when we expected. But the truth is, if you are not complacent about your future and things are still not working out as planned, it could just be that you are going through the "Law of Process" as John Maxwell rightly puts it.

One more thing, in case you are disturbed by the political and sectarian crisis this great nation is experiencing, believe me, it's just a phase, we will get over it soon. But you have a part to play: Love more, Pray more and sacrifice more, strive to always do the right thing... "It's a process" We will scale through it.

Everything will be fine! Just be happy and as much as you can, enjoy the process, cause it's a phase that might not repeat itself again. Make the most of that situation and process. Experience they say, is not what happens to us, but what we make of what happens to us. (Positive Learning)

Don't worry, be happy!

Take Charge!
