Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Significance of Easter

Happy Easter to you all, hope you had a great celebration and holiday?
I bet most of us got Easter goodwill messages from friends and loved ones. We also sent few to reciprocate. All fantastic gestures, in the spirit of the season I suppose. But let me ask, what are the true significances of the season? Is it just about having few days off work, visit the Cinemas, friends, movies, sleep, eat and drink for those who drink? What exactly do you make of the season…?

If I were you I will not only see this season as a time to make merry but leverage on the following:
• A time to reflect on my relationship with the one who died for my sins on the Cross of Calvary,
• A time to reclaim all that the devil has stolen from me
• A time to re-dedicate my life to Him who first loved me.
• A time to maximize the power that resurrected Christ from dead by calling to life every dead aspect of my life, remember, grave could not hold him back, so nothing should hold you back from shining forth His light and His Glory.
• A time to proclaim the word of God to those who are in dire need of it- one of the major reasons He came in the first place.
• A time to look the devil in the face and tell him you are reclaiming all that he has stolen from you, because Christ was manifested that He may destroy the works of the enemy in your life.
• A time to bask in the euphoria of assured abundance of life- for the thief cometh not but to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus Christ came that you and I may have life in abundance.

• It should be a time to understand your place and authority in Christ Jesus. He was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquities, the chastisement of your peace was upon Him and by His stripes you’ve been healed. Healed of any form of illnesses; be it Financial, Marital, Spiritual, Career, name it. Your healing is assured. But it does not end here.

There is a place for reflection. I personally don’t get involved in any event without having a relatively good understanding of what it is I am celebrating. On this note, I would like for us to take time and reflect on what Easter signifies. If you come to a better knowledge of the significance of Easter and key into what it offers, your life will definitely be better for it.

It is my prayer for you that the REASON for the SEASON will SEASON your life with lots of celebration this SEASON and BEYOND.