Thursday, May 7, 2009

Personal Perception


How do you perceive yourself? What identify do you flaunt before people?

Alright, but my point here is simple. How you react to things around you shows to a large extent your personality, so my question is how do you react to circumstances and situations?, do you go about carrying a victim disposition when you are faced with challenges or obstacles. You tell who you are by what you do and how you do them.

Just felt like sharing an insight with you. When the Israelites were asked to go and spy the promised land, only Caleb and Joshua saw the possibility of occupying the land despite obvious obstacles. The story has it that the land they went to spy had some funny descendants, they were dreadful giants, nobody dares these giants, their sight alone will melt a strong man's liver. But Caleb and Joshua said they were able to possess the land. They were simply saying - if we can dream it, see it, we can have it.

Funny enough the other spies called themselves one funny name. They made it clear to everyone who and what they think of themselves. They said " We were like Grasshoppers in our own sight before these giants" this is exactly where i am driving at; how often do you call yourself names by your reaction to challenges, in this case, they actually pronouced that they were like grasshoppers, that they were going to be crushed by these giants, you might not be pronouncing yours but your reaction to a large extent tells people who you are.

Whatever it is you may be going through, it would be nice to always see yourself as a victor and not a victim, "hey, you dont know what i am going through now and that's why you are saying this, i have never succeeded in almost everything i have tried to do, so why should i not call myself a failure" . Yeah, i know how it feels to fail, and what else to you call failure but failure. if you are not succeding, you are obviously failing, agreed; but if you understand my short story above, you would know that it was obvious that the land a no-go area for the Israelites because of the gigantic occupants, but two guys saw possibility in an obvious impossible situation.

It is about seeing possibility in an impossible situation, its about calling yourself a victor even while the battle is raging and is seems you are almost drawn in a storm. it's about understanding the power of positive confession. Faith is nothing when it is expressed under a positive and beautiful situation. But faith is saying that all is well when all is obviously not well.

I learnt that without faith it is impossible to please God, little wonder why God was thrilled by the faith expressed by Caleb and Joshua, God saw their faith and promised to take them to the land but those who were fearful never got there.

May be God is watching you, he wants to know how you will react in that situation before he steps in. think about that.

What you say or do defines who you are. You are a VICTOR, dont call yourself a VICTIM.

All the best!

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