Friday, May 10, 2013


Hello my people, it’s a great day! It’s good to back after a loooong break. And I hope you will not forget to appraise your performance for the out-going week, its necessary you do that as this will enable you to know how you have fared this week. 

Anyways I’m working on a series of project around this topic, but I ve decided to share a few points with us via this medium today. My husband I went for evangelism some months back and while he was preaching to a guy, he asked him, ‘My brother, are you born again’? The brother didn’t say a word, little did we know that he felt we were not referring to him, my husband asked again, and he smiled and said oh! My brother, I am now, everybody is born again. Now you see, just as everybody is born again so is everybody a Christian as long as you found yourself in a supposed Christian home.

But the truth is, being a Christian goes beyond mere nomenclature, going to church and your background. The apostles in the bible were called Christians in Antioch in those days because people had watched them closely and found out that they were acting and living like Christ. Today what kind of Christians do we see? What we do is completely opposite of what Jesus Christ did and would do. 

Jesus would never lie or make a promise He can’t keep, how many times have you heard a Christian say-‘it’s not possible not to lie, everybody tells lies in different degree depending on the occasion’ I hear words like, ‘everyone lies’. So why call yourself a Christian when you are practically not.  If lying is a way of life for you, please stop calling yourself a Christian. If the apostles were known to be liars I don’t think they would have called them Christians. 

If the Apostles were seen frolicking with women, I’m not sure they would have been called Christians, today what do we see? So- called Christians who also believe that ‘You must taste a product before you pay for it’- who do not see anything wrong in sleeping with their fiancée before marriage, who don’t see fornication as sin against God and their body. How I wish they can learn from biblical Joseph. The apostle knew how to flee from every appearances of evil.

The apostles shared things in common, there were no social segregation and class differences, people who had, brought and shared things with those who had nothing. What do we see today? Brethren who are up there socially only relate and greet people in the same economic and social class. If you do not have money, nobody will reckon with you.  The so- called rich Christian would prefer to do things for their fellow rich Christians, and you call yourself a Christian? Jesus was a compassionate man; He was always moved to help people who are suffering and hungry. How many times have you helped people who you know need help in your church or environment?

Don’t be deceived, Christianity is not by word, it’s practical!
To be continued…


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... good stuff. We need to stay alert and constantly review our actions to be sure we remain true christians
